Below you can find videos from my recent talks and lectures. Click on each thumbnail to watch the entire video.
- “I hold the key”: J,R,R, Tolkien through interviews and reminiscences
- Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales at 40 (Oxonmoot 2021)
- Tolkien, Folklore, and Foxes: a thoroughly vulpine talk in which there may be singing! (Tolkien 2019)
- Mythopoeia: myth-creation and Middle-earth (Bodleian Library Exhibition: Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth, 2018)
- Sailing to the West: the Fall of Arthur, Beowulf and Tol Eressëa (Oxonmoot, 2017)
- J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘A Secret Vice’: 85 Years On (Pembroke College, Oxford, 2016)
- Tolkien and the Art of Book Reviewing: A Circuitous Road to Middle-earth (Oxonmoot, 2016)
- Joyful sorrow in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien Society Seminar, 2016)
- The Lord of the Rings: Tolkien’s Legacy (TORCH and the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford 2015)
- Constructions of Childhood in Tolkien’s Legendarium (Oxonmoot 2015)
- Τα ξωτικά του Τόλκιν: λαογραφία και μυθοπλασία (Athens Tolkien Symposium)
- Tolkien’s Wales – A Literary Walk in the Black Mountains (Literature Wales)
- On Tolkien’s “Sellic Spell” and Folktales
- A Merry Tolkien Christmas: A Visit from St Nicholas and Tolkien’s Tinfang Warble
- Fantasies of Space and Time (Keynote for PHI Congress, 2019)
- Gnomes, Gnature, and the “Gnifty Gnomobile”: Elemental Spirits, Deforestation and Energy Systems in Transition in Upton Sinclair’s The Gnomobile
- Fantasy, Magical Education, Knowledge, and Power (Lecture for Strixhaven)
- The Otherworld Sea Voyage of St Brendan in Modern Fantasy Literature
- “I hold the key”: J.R.R. Tolkien through interviews and reminiscences (Inaugural Annual Tolkien Lecture, University of Birmingham)
- Magic writing: Representations of the Og(h)am script in contemporary fantasy (Celtic Research Seminar)
- Twenty First Century Tolkien (British Library Exhibition: Fantasy – Realms of Imagination, 2023)
You can access a YouTube playlist of my talks and lectures here: