Dr Dimitra Fimi

Clash of the Gods

A new series on world mythologies has been airing in the USA History Channel since late August 2009. The series started with Classical Greek Myths (Zeus, Medusa, Hercules, and others) and the next few episodes are now going to focus on myths and legends from Northern Europe: Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon and the invented mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien. I contributed in these three episodes, the first of which is scheduled to air next Monday. The filming took place last spring and I haven’t seen any of the finished episodes, so I am very excited! Here is the schedule for those of you in the USA:

  • 28 September 2009: Beowulf
  • 5 October 2009: The Mythology of The Lord of the Rings
  • 12 October 2009: Thor

All episodes should be available to watch online (only for USA residents) on the History Channel website as soon as they have aired. Also, preview videos are regularly posted on the History Channel facebook page (available worldwide).

If you’d like to see photos from the series, have a look at the production company’s (KPI TV) website and KPI’s scrapbook.

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